C++ Program Basics

Hi everyone, inside this article we will see about C++ Program Basics (Headers & Workflow).

To go into the deep concept of C++ Programming first we need to understand about the basic workflow of C++ structure.

A Basic Program

Example #1

Let’s consider a very basic program of C++ (Print a message)

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
  cout << "Hello Skillshike Team!";
  cout << "\n";
  cout << "I am learning C++";
  cout << "\n";
  return 0;


Hello Skillshike Team!
I am learning C++

Code Explanation

The above program is a simple C++ program that outputs a message “Hello Skillshike Team!” and “I am learning C++” on the console.

It uses the standard library function cout from the iostream library to print the message on the screen. The \n characters are used to add line breaks to the output.

The << operator is used to write to the cout stream.

The main function is the entry point of the program and it returns 0, which indicates success. The return 0; statement is used to exit the program and return a value to the operating system, indicating that the program has completed successfully.

Example #2

Here, in this example we take an integer input from user at console and then print it.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int x{}; // define variable x to hold user input (and zero-initialize it)
    cout << "Enter a number: "; // ask user for a number
    cin >> x; // get number from keyboard and store it in variable x
    cout << "You entered " << x << '\n';
    return 0;


Enter a number: 1000
You entered 1000

Code Explanation

The above program is a simple C++ program that asks for a number on the console and then print that.

It uses the standard library function cin from the iostream library to take a input integer value on the screen. It will print the input value to screen.

The \n characters are used to add line breaks to the output. the >> operator is used to read from the cin stream.

The main function is the entry point of the program and it returns 0, which indicates success. The return 0; statement is used to exit the program and return a value to the operating system, indicating that the program has completed successfully.

We hope this article helped you to understand about C++ Program Basics in a very detailed way.

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