Time and Space Complexity

Hi everyone, inside this article we will see the concept about Time and Space Complexity.

Time and space complexity are two fundamental concepts in algorithm analysis that are used to evaluate the efficiency of an algorithm.

In simple terms, time complexity refers to the amount of time it takes for an algorithm to run on a given input, while space complexity refers to the amount of memory (or space) that an algorithm requires to execute.

Time Complexity

Time complexity is usually measured in terms of the number of operations or steps an algorithm takes to complete on a given input. The time complexity of an algorithm is expressed using big O notation, which gives an upper bound on the growth rate of the number of operations as the input size increases.

For example, if we have an algorithm that takes n steps to complete on an input of size n, we say that the time complexity of the algorithm is O(n). This means that the number of steps the algorithm takes grows linearly with the input size. Similarly, if an algorithm takes n^2 steps to complete on an input of size n, we say that the time complexity of the algorithm is O(n^2). This means that the number of steps the algorithm takes grows quadratically with the input size.

The following table shows some common time complexities and their growth rates:

Time ComplexityGrowth Rate
O(log n)Logarithmic
O(n log n)Linearithmic

As a general rule, algorithms with lower time complexity are more efficient than algorithms with higher time complexity.

Space Complexity

Space complexity refers to the amount of memory an algorithm requires to execute on a given input. The space complexity of an algorithm is also expressed using big O notation, which gives an upper bound on the amount of memory the algorithm requires as the input size increases.

For example, if we have an algorithm that requires an array of size n to store intermediate results, we say that the space complexity of the algorithm is O(n). This means that the amount of memory the algorithm requires grows linearly with the input size.

The following table shows some common space complexities and their growth rates:

Space ComplexityGrowth Rate
O(log n)Logarithmic
O(n log n)Linearithmic

As with time complexity, algorithms with lower space complexity are generally more efficient than algorithms with higher space complexity. However, the trade-off between time and space complexity often depends on the specific problem and the available resources.


Let’s take an example of an algorithm that searches for a given element in an array of n integers.

function linearSearch(arr, x):
    for i from 0 to n-1:
        if arr[i] == x:
            return i
    return -1

The linearSearch algorithm checks each element of the input array arr in a linear fashion, until it finds the element x or it has checked all n elements. If it finds the element x, it returns its index, otherwise, it returns -1.

Time Complexity

The time complexity of linearSearch is O(n), because in the worst case scenario, it has to iterate over all n elements in the input array to find the desired element x. Therefore, as the input size n grows, the number of operations the algorithm has to perform also grows linearly.

Space Complexity

The space complexity of linearSearch is O(1), because it does not require any additional memory proportional to the input size n. The algorithm only uses a constant amount of memory to store the input array arr, the element x, and the loop index i. Therefore, the amount of memory the algorithm requires remains constant, regardless of the input size.

Overall, linearSearch has a time complexity of O(n) and a space complexity of O(1). This means that it is an efficient algorithm for small input sizes, but it may not be suitable for very large input sizes, as it can take a long time to complete. In practice, more advanced algorithms such as binary search or hash tables may be used to search for elements in large arrays with better time complexity.

We hope this article helped you to understand about Time and Space Complexity in a very detailed way.

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